victor svedberg

Medeltiden 2.0

This post is in Swedish and mainly aimed at readers living in Sweden. Although, it goes out to everyone. Intro Det fanns en tidig meme som var populär nån gång runt 2006 som kallades “The internet is leaking” – Alltså bilder på saker IRL som refererar onlinekultur. Typ en graffiti-målning av en katt som säger Medeltiden 2.0

The Dragon Cometh

The following was originally written for the blog of my sangha. I highly recommend the other posts found there. Now that we’ve entered 2024, the year of the Dragon, we would be wise to remember the story of Sekkō. He was a man who loved dragons. Paintings, figurines, ornaments — his whole house was filled The Dragon Cometh

Greta, Gaza & Klimatet

The following post is in Swedish. For an English version, click here. Utrikesbyråns senaste avsnitt om Greta Thunberg är kanske lågvattenmärket i en lång rad dåliga opinionsprogram på SVT om politik den senaste tiden. Avsnittet handlar om huruvida Gretas uttalade stöd för Gaza skadar klimatrörelsen. Alla tre panelmedlemmar är överens om att så är fallet. Greta, Gaza & Klimatet

Beckmans panel talk

I was recently invited to participate in a panel discussion about music and visual communication during a one-day festival at Beckmans College of Design in Stockholm. The panelists were asked to choose a project to use as a basis for the conversation, I chose to talk about one of my most extensive ongoing projects, the Beckmans panel talk

Art in the anthropogreen

As the climate situation becomes more and more critical, several major system-wide changes must take place to reduce the irreversible damage that will affect all living beings on the planet. Several of these necessary changes may seem obvious (such as stopping the use of fossil fuels) but in some sectors it is not so obvious Art in the anthropogreen


This is a space online where I can chill and ponder. Sometimes in English and sometimes in Swedish.